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HIV/AIDS projects:

Coca Cola’s goal is not just maximizing profits, but they also want to make the world a better place. Therefore, Coca Cola founded The Coca Cola Africa Foundation. This is an organization that’s counter  HIV / AIDS. They do this through various methods like, hand out free condoms, information and helping people who have contracted HIV. They do this projects throughout Africa. Country’s like Tanzania, Egypt, Kenya to South Africa. These methods are very necessary in Africa because 70% of HIV infected is in Africa. In some areas, even 1 in 3 people are infected with HIV.

So far, Coca Cola has donated 2.5 million to the Coca Cola Africa Foundation. With that  Coca Cola support the largest program in Africa.

Besides the support of Coca Cola's own organization, Coca Cola also is working with other partners like: the African Network for Children Orphaned or At Risk, the African Broadcast Media Partnership Against HIV / AIDS and Dance4Life. A famous example of that collaboration with other partners, is the collaboration with Dance4Life. Together they had developed a huge project for young people to be aware of HIV in 2006. They did this through music and dance. The project came on TV in many countries and has brought an enormous amount of money together. This was invested in projects in countries such as: Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

01:16:47 13 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Life positively:

A company as big as Coca Cola has much influence on the world. That’s why Coca Cola wants to work more and more sustainable. That’s why Coca Cola has make up a business strategy which they hope to achieve that, namely: life positively. Life Positively is divided into 6 parts. The parts are: drink portfolio, active and healthy lifestyle, climate protection, water, community and environment. I will now tell you what the content of each part is.

Drink portfolio: Coca Cola tried more diet drinks to offer. Currently 40% of the sugar beverages sold Fri Especially in secondary schools. Since Coca Cola has so far been good results. There are at secondary school 81% more diet drinks and water and 4% bought less sugary drinks.

Active and healthy life style: The purpose of this section is to make people fitter. They do that by sponsoring major events such as the European and World Championships. But also by starting own programs such as the mission Olympics. That is the biggest school sports platform in the Netherlands. Where up to 150,000 children sport.

Sustainable Packaging: See Coca Cola and the world 2.

Climate protection: the motto of Coca Cola in this part is: large company, smaller emissions. And they are on the right track. For example the energy consumption of the location in Dongen fell 12% in 3 years!

Water: see Coca Cola and the World 1

Community: Coca Cola sees itself as a multinational company with local roots. That mean’s that Coca Cola supports local projects. A good example is the HIV / AIDS project in Africa. Where employees of Coca Cola help against the battle of HIV / AIDS. more about these projects in the next blog.

Work area: Coca Cola also wants to make a difference within the company. They motivate an open working atmosphere and the employees are also inspired to develop themselves.

22:10:01 12 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Responsible marketing:

The goal of Coca Cola is of course making maximum profits. But it should not be realized at cost of growing children. This is not only the idea of Coca Cola but also of many other company. But from what age limit you can? The most common age limit is 7 years. But a company as big as Coca Cola is an example and that’s why Coca Cola has his age limit put on 12 years. That means that Coca Cola is not present in primary school’s because the children in primary schools are all under 12 years. In secondary schools they are reluctant present, but in a positive way. There are custom Coca Cola machines which contain many fresh juices and light drink’s. Furthermore, Coca Cola machines, in secondary schools, are equipped with a so-called GDA label.

GDA stands for Guideline daily amount, it’s in Dutch: het dagelijkse voedingsrichtlijn. The GDA label will say how much of your daily amount there is in one glass of Coke (250ml). It should not be confused with the ADH-label on some products. The ADH-label show how much there is in the product of your daily need to avoid failure. The GDA label shows you how much of the daily need that is recommended to get inside. Although it is not required to place a GDA label on your product. Coca Cola does it for an example. The GDA label is there to make consumers aware about what they take. So they can make a better choice for there own health.

00:59:41 12 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Coca Cola and the world 2:

In the previous blog we looked at what Coca Cola does to consume the water as efficiently as possible. This blog we'll look for something what consumers more see: the packaging (glass, cans and PET). For each product that the consumer is buying, he’s also buying a package. And because it is a convenience good it has a high purchase frequency. So that’s a lot of waste! That’s why Coca Cola is committed to the highest possible content of recycled material in its packaging. And they do it pretty well. For example the plastic bottles (PET) are for 100% made of recyclable materials. So Coca Cola can make new bottles of his old bottles. Now the money is 25% old bottles and 75% new material. The expectation is that in the future to the money will be developed to 50-50.



The same story for the Coca Cola cans. They can also be 100% recycled and new cans are made of the old cans. But that is not the only thing the old cans to be used for. They are also used in the construction and the automotive industry. Although the savings of material has almost reached its limit. Coca Cola succeeded in 2007 to make the wall thickness of the cans smaller, so they now save 83 tons of material.


The glass bottles can be reused 40 times. So they save a lot of material. What is less is that the coils of the bottles cost a lot of energy.

16:17:39 11 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Coca Cola and the world 1:

Coca Cola is so large that it has much influence on the world. So Coca Cola has a huge responsibility. Coca Cola tries to be as responsible as they can. They find it very  important to minimize the habitat affects of the actions of Coca Cola. Thats why Coca Cola has an active environmental policy. From reducing energy and water use to create sustainable packages. We will see what Coca Cola Netherlands does with the policy.

For reducing energy and water use coca cola does pretty much. For example, they keep track of how much water they consume to produce their products. Now the production of 1 liter cola is 1.76 water. Where 1 liter is used for the product himself and even use 0.76 liters is used during production. The objective of Coca Cola, within 5 years is to consume 1.69 per 1 liter of water for coca cola. 87% of the water used by the Dutch Coca Cola products is from its own water sources. Namely the mineral sources the Wildert in Dongen. After the production process is the water first gets purified by Coca Cola  themselves. Then the water gets purified by the government itself to suitable quality so it can be dumped without harm back in the nature. So all the water that is used in the production process always gets back to the nature or the consumer. Therefore nothing is lost!

00:17:55 11 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Commercials from different products:

commercials from different products:


Contrary to popular belief, does Coca Cola not only sell Coke. But also other brands like: Fanta, Sprite and sports drinks. For each of these products there is a different audience, and therefore also for each of these products there is set a different advertising. First we see the advertising of Fanta. Fanta’s Target market is clearly. Namely young consumers. You can see it in almost everything, from the colorful packaging to the commercials in which young people are always in acting. What is also obvious is that the young people in the commercials always a little naughty.


Then on the next product view, sprite. The target market of sprite are older than fanta’s. This is evident from the commercials, which you see young people around 20 years. Sprite really concentrated on set you free of thirst. So you always see in the commercials that it is very hot and then drink you one sprite and suddenly the basketball field changes in to a pool. The sprite motto is: Freedom from thirst.


The next product of Coca Cola we will see is the sports drink called: Aquarius. This product Coca Cola tried to reach the sporting audience. Fanta, Sprite and Coca Cola are not really really healthy. So with Aquarius they do reach that audience. They do so by the fact that Aquarius quickly brings you up to standard fluid balance when you drink it during or after exercise. This is also seen in the commercials of Aquarius. At the commercials you see for example that they are playing tennis at a tennis tournament and  suddenly the tenniser schoots the ball high into the air so he can quickly can drink an Aquarius. Which they then just playing further like nothing happend.

17:48:43 10 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Commercials in deferent countries

Commercials in deferent countries:


Coca Cola is a very big company. Everywhere in the world you find advertises of the products of Coca Cola. For example, Coca Cola makes a different commercial for each continent make. Because advertising can be interpretated differently by different people. For example, the color white is seen as positive in the West, but in Japan the color white is associated with death. So that is certainly not positive. Coca cola should take this into account. But Coca Cola also consider the trend and intresses of consumers. An example: in japan they have a commercial surrounding the game Final Fantasy X. A popular video game in Japan, but in the west its not known. Besides selling Coca Cola products. The commercials also contribute to a better world. Thus it was in Arabia taboo for a woman to do acting in a commercial. Until a Coca Cola commercial was broadcast with the Lebanees sangeres Nancy Ajram. And it was the first and only female sponsor and spokesperson for Coca-Cola in the Middle East and the Arab world.


Currently  Coca Cola is busy with the campaign of The Happiness Factory. The message they convey is that they want a Coca Cola product which is made with much "happiness" and made with joy. They also want to show that the products are made with great effort and care, an that they are personal created for the consumer.


01:33:30 10 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Santa Claus


Santa Claus:

Christmas is a holiday all over the world and around that time, everyone tried to attach his product to Christmas. Personally I think that Coca Cola is the best. Thanks to Coca Cola we know Christmas as it is now. Because it was Coca Cola that let us know Santa as we know Santa Claus now. Because before Coca Cola gave Santa Claus shape it was not well known how Santa Claus looks like. He sometimes was depicted as a long thin man, and The Civil War cartoonist Thomas Nast drew Santa Claus for Harper's Weekly in 1862, Santa was shown as a small elf-like figure who supported the Union.

The Coca-Cola Company began its Christmas advertising in the 1920s with shopping-related ads in magazines like The Saturday Evening Post. The first Santa ads used a strict-looking Claus. And that was the birth of the Santa Claus as we know.

From 1931, Coca-Cola advertising showed Santa delivering (and playing!) With toys, pausing to read a letter and enjoy a Coke. As you can see here.

02:03:07 09 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

history of Coca Cola

History of Coca Cola marketing


In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a non-alcoholic version of French Wine Cola. The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. It was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were  popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal.

Being a bookkeeper, Frank Robinson also had excellent penmanship. It was he who first scripted Coca Cola into the flowing letters which has become the famous logo of today.

You notice that the logo has a typical font and that C is decorated.




Candler was a genius in marketing. He made sure that the trademark Coca-Cola was seen on many products from clocks to glass chandeliers. He also coupons which they develop a free glass of Coca-Cola could get. Thanks to efforts Candler Coca-Cola was in 1895 in each U.S. state to obtain. Candler-founded both The Coca Cola Company, which he and his family until 1919 remained the largest shareholder.


23:09:21 08 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)



 Hey my name is Melvin. I go to school at the the hague university. I now do the first year of commercial ecenomie. We have an assignment for the course Business Communication to make a weblog about the your chosen topic. My topic is the marketing of Coca Cola. I chose this subject because Coca Cola is the most famous brand in the world. For example if you are lost in China and you have a terrible thirst. When you say water in English to a man in china you have a very good chance that he does not know what you mean. But if you  say Coca Cola it is immediately obvious that you want a drink. And you also see almost every day an advertisement from Coca Cola. and there is so much to tell about the marketing of Coca Cola. Such as the history of the marketing of Coca Cola, not to mention Santa Claus! We will also talk about the Coca Cola commercials of various products, including Fanta and Sprite, and how they are put down to the consumer. Furthermore, a blog about what Coca Cola is doing to improve the world. Things like live positively or WK and EK. But also things like what Coca Cola does responsible marketing.

20:46:46 08 Januari 2010 Permanente link Reacties (0)

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